The Testimony of Floyd Weston The Seventeen
Points of the True Church Ç÷ÎÀÌµå ¿þ½ºÅÏÀÇ °£Áõ ÂüµÈ ±³È¸ÀÇ 17°¡Áö Áß¿äÇÑ ±âÁصé [¹ø¿ª:
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Weston was one of five students listening outside a lecture hall where Albert
Einstein was lecturing the faculty of the California Institute of Technology.
Dr. Millikin was President. They listened for almost three hours and were most
interested in Dr. Einstein's last statement to the learned group. He said
"Gentlemen, the more I delve into the sciences of this universe the more firmly
do I believe that one god or force or influence has organized all of this
for our discovery."
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One of these
five was a genius, John Vincent Dunbar, extremely high I.Q. and a photographic
mind. He could glance down a page of the Bible, close the book and quote the
page verbatim. They went to Dunbar's room in the dorm and the took the Bible and
read in Ephesians that there shall be one Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism. They
decided that if Dr. Einstein's last statement was true than one of the more than
800 churches on earth must be God's True Church.
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Dunbar, the genius, brought
into their apartment a 16 foot blackboard on casters, cleaned it off with their
wash cloths and went through the New Testament page by page listing all of the
qualitities that God's church, according to the New Testament standards, should
have. Their research was completed in 8 weeks so they went over all the
researched points and after careful study retained 17 of the most important
features and had them typed up on 5X7 cards--one for each.
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Before parting company these five, Weston, a Methodist, Dunbar, a
Catholic, Stonehoker, a Presbyterian; Williams, an Episcopalian; and Glassy, an
Atheist, Visited many different churches with their criteria uppermost in their
minds. Weston immediately became disinchanted with his Methodist church and
Bubar's Catholic church was also eliminated. Before their search was completed
they all went to various branches of the armed services. Glassy was shot down
over North Africa and never returned. Weston, in his service work came in
contact with 8 or 10 LDS boys who took him to church-- one which met all 17
requirements. There was no contact with the others until after the was over.
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After the war, Weston went to a
Stake Conference in Burbank, California and, on looking across the chapel saw
his friend, Dunbar. After the meeting was over they were overjoyed to greet each
other and Weston said, " Dunbar, what are you doing here?" Dunbar replied, "I
still have my 5X7 cards in my pocket and found the church that met all 17
requirements. I have joined the Mormon Church." After this happy reunion they
decided to contact Stonehocker and Williams and found that they, too, have
joined the Mormon Church because it met all 17 requirements
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The Seventeen Points of the True Church ÂüµÈ ±³È¸ÀÇ 17°¡ÁöÀÇ Áß¿äÇÑ ±âÁصé
- Christ organized the church. Eph 4:11-15
¿¹¼ö±×¸®½ºµµ°¡ ±× ±³È¸¸¦ Á¶Á÷ÇÏ¿´´Ù.
¿¡º£¼Ò¼ 4:11-15
- The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ.
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ¿¹¼ö±×¸®½ºµµÀÇ À̸§À» °¡Á®¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¿¡º£¼Ò¼ 5:23
- The true church must have a
foundation of apostles and prophets. Eph.2:19- 20
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â »çµµ¿Í ¼±ÁöÀÚ¿¡ ÀÇÇؼ À̲ø¾îÁ®¾ß
ÇÑ´Ù. ¿¡º£¼Ò¼ 2:19-20
- The true church must have the same organization as
Christ's church.
Eph.4:11-14 ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ¿¹¼ö±×¸®½ºµµ°¡ Áö»ó¿¡¼ Á¶Á÷ÇÑ ¶È °°Àº Á¶Á÷À» °¡Á®¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
¿¡º£¼Ò¼ 4:11-14
- The true church must claim divine authority. Heb.5:4-10
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½Å¼ºÇÑ ±Ç´ÉÀ» ÇÊ¿ä·Î ÇÑ´Ù. È÷ºê¸®¼ 5:4-10
- The true church must have no paid
ministry. Isa. 45:13.1 Peter5:2
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ±³È¸¿ª¿ø¿¡°Ô ºÀ±ÞÀ» Áö±ÞÇÏÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
ÀÌ»ç¾ß 45:13,
º£µå·Î Àü¼ 5:2
- The true church must baptize by immersion. Matt.3:13-17
±³È¸´Â ħ¼ö·Î¼ ħ·Ê ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¸¶Åº¹À½3:13-7
- The true church must bestow the Gift of
the Holy Ghost by laying on of hands.
Acts 8:14-17
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ¸Ó¸® À§¿¡ ¼ÕÀ» ¾ò°í
¼º½ÅÀÇ Àº»ç¸¦ ÁÖ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. »çµµÇàÀü 8:14-17
- The true church must practice divine
healing. Mark 3:14-15
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ½Å¼ºÇÑ º´ÀÚÃູÀ» ÇàÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¸¶°¡º¹À½3:14-15
- The
true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ are separate and
individuals. John 17:11,20-23, John 20:17 ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â Çϳª´Ô°ú ±×ÀÇ ¾Æµé ¿¹¼ö±×¸®½ºµµ°¡ ºÐ¸®µÇ¾î
ÀÖÀ¸¸ç °¢ °¢ µ¶¸³ÀûÀÎ ºÐÀ̶ó´Â °ÍÀ» °¡¸£ÃÄ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¿äÇѺ¹À½17:11,
20-23 ¿äÇѺ¹À½ 20:17
- The true
church must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh
bone. Exodus 24:9-11, Luke 24:36-39 ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â Çϳª´Ô°ú ¿¹¼ö±×¸®½ºµµ°¡ »ì°ú »À¸¦ °¡Áø ¸öÀ» °¡Áö°í ÀÖ´Ù´Â
°ÍÀ» °¡¸£ÃÄ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. Ãâ¾Ö±Á±â 24:9-11, ´©°¡º¹À½24:36-39
- Officers must be called by
God. Heb.5:4, Exo.28:1 Luke 24:36-39
±³È¸¿ª¿øÀº Çϳª´Ô¿¡ ÀÇÇؼ ºÎ¸§ ¹Þ¾Æ¾ß µÈ´Ù. Ãâ¾Ö±Á±â 28:1
´©°¡º¹À½ 24:36-39
- The true church must claim revelation from God. Amos
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â Çϳª´ÔÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ °è½Ã¸¦ ÇÊ¿ä·Î ÇÑ´Ù. ¾Æ¸ð½º 3:7
- The true church must be a
missionary church. Matt.28:19-20
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â ¼±±³ÇÏ´Â ±³È¸°¡ µÇ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¸¶Åº¹À½28:19-20
- The true church must be a restored church. Acts 3:19-21
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â
ȸº¹µÈ ±³È¸°¡ µÇ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. »çµµÇàÀü3:19-21
- The true church must practice Baptism
for the Dead. 1 Cor.15:16 and 29
ÂüµÈ ±³È¸´Â Á×Àº ÀÚ¸¦ À§ÇØ Ä§·Ê¸¦ ÇàÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. °í¸°µµ Àü¼ 15:16 °ú
- By their fruits ye shall know them. Matt.7:20
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¾Ë¾Æ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¸¶Åº¹À½7:20
Why are these things important?
Hebrews 13:8 ¿Ö À̰͵éÀÌ
Áß¿äÇÑ°¡? È÷ºê¸®¼13:8 "¿¹¼ö ±×¸®½ºµµ´Â ¾îÁ¦³ª ¿À´ÃÀ̳ª ¿µ¿øÅä·Ï µ¿ÀÏÇϽô϶ó."
¾î´À ±³È¸°¡ ¿ÇÀº°¡?